Tag Archives: tranceiver

Work On The Beach 40 Begins

Back to building! I finalized the drawings for my implementation of VK3YE’s Beach 40 DSB Transceiver. I created a project page for it here.  I also finished the the “final” version of the diagram, at least until I get the physical build under way. I will be updating the diagram on the project page but not here so if you are interested in this project, check out the build page.

Here is the full diagram I completed today. Click for full size image

While I am heating up the soldering iron tonight, another important part of this project is the documentation. Not only am I going to be updating the project page as the build progresses I will also be keeping a lab journal.

This is something new for me. I have never been skilled at keeping lab notes. This is something I need to work on now that I am getting more involved in RF electronics as an experimenter.

That’s it for now. More to come.
