Funny thing happened on the way to the shop, I didn’t get there. I did discover something about myself though. I need to be learning something new and complicated on a regular basis. If I’m not diligently working on a new skill set I get cranky and, well, I’m just not fun to be around.
I love building and woodwork but that is more for relaxing and just getting some rapid-progress build time in. It helps with the need to see something finished. It staves off completion anxiety as it were, but it doesn’t hit the intellectual mark for me. Not only do I need to see completion, I have a need to learn something new, regularly.
When you think about it, this need to learn explains a lot of my past. It’s why I became a pilot, an instructor, an aviation mechanic, and most recently my climb up the Amateur Radio license tree, and my current pursuit of a commercial radio license along with my self directed RF electronics education.
Now that I have an understanding of my pathological need to learn maybe I can direct it more accurately and bring about that balance I spoke of in my last post. This was just a short musing that inspired me to write and considering one of my goals is to write more frequently… here we are.
Peace, love, airplanes, and electrons,