March 22. My first post for 2012 is on March 22.
Didn’t do so good on the plan to write regularly did I. Lots of contributing factors I suppose, the biggest being that I have been slammed with school work ever since I started the AMT program at Gavilan. Other contributing factors include the hesitation to post about anything not “business” enough on this site. I solved this one by dividing stuff into two sites, FBJ is the personal site and Vintage Aero Works as the business site. Right now the VAW site doesn’t have much of anything on it beyond the spiffty logo. 😉
Another contributing factor is pure just-too-damn-tired syndrome. This is one I am still working on. There is a huge list of things I need to get rolling but school has to come first over just about everything else. In the category of exceptions to the rule we had one of those rare items come up last week. On March 13th my father-in-law passed away. The first decade of Tammy and my life together we spent a lot of time with the in-laws and I have grown to love them as my natural parents. Dad was the only father I have ever known and I miss him a great deal, far more than I can express.
After they moved back to Massachusetts we kept in touch of course, but not as often as we should have. Being less than wealthy, we were not able to go back and visit with them much at all. They came out here a couple of times and my wife went back there when dad was really sick with his first cancer battle. He kicked cancer’s ass twice but he was in a weakened state and a series of smaller health issues stacked the deck against him. After a six week period of in-and-out hospitalization he was ready to move on to the next life. “Mac” Veloza was with us 82 years, 20 of which made me a better person. I’ll miss you dad.