October 2024 Update

I have been thinking about a number of projects I want to get back to and several newer technologies as well as several advancements in existing communications modes but I just haven’t had the time to do anything but school. Its october 20, I have my last class for my M.A. in Public History starting tomorrow and the last half of my internship to complete, both wrap up on December 13th. I haven’t made it to any club meetings since August 2023 and to be honest I won’t likely make it to any this year. Being so focused on school means that all but the most basic chores are not likely to get done any time soon. I had this last week off between terms and it was spent catching up on stuff that fell through the cracks over the previous eight weeks. I did manage to pull down a very janky mast with one of my X-50 VHF/UHF antennas. Unfortunately, swapping the packet station, the only part of the station still up and running, over to the other X-50 negatively affected the stations TX abilities. I picked up an antenna switch and LMR-400 jumpers so I could connect a voice VHF/UHF radio, when I have some time to connect that, I will see if I can relocate or at least improve the RX/TX for the packet station.

After December 13th I will have a little less than a month to play catch up again. I am hoping to use that time to work on cleaning out the office/shop/shack and cutting a bunch of stuff loose, either donating to the club or selling. I have some shop cabinets I need to sell to make room for storage space so I can clear off bentop space, get a metro rack out of the middle of the room, and get the 3D printer modded with the auto-leveler and back online. So much stuff that needs to get done and so little time to do it.

Until next time